Excellence, commitment and satisfaction


Girault Properties, drawing on its distinguished heritage from Girault-Pasqué, a company globally renowned for its excellence in the luxury hospitality sector, has embarked on an impactful and ethical collaboration with CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere).

This partnership underscores our deep commitment to social responsibility and reflects our core values of transparency, integrity, and relentless dedication to exceeding client expectations.

In the realm of real estate, where Girault Properties operates, the notion of home extends beyond mere property transactions. It resonates with the fundamental human need for safety, comfort, and community. By integrating this understanding into our business model, we not only aim to provide exceptional service but also to contribute meaningfully to global communities. This is where our partnership with CARE becomes profoundly significant.

CARE is an organisation dedicated to fighting global poverty and providing aid in emergencies, with a strong focus on empowering women, improving education and health, and ensuring food and water security. Their work aligns with our vision of ethical practice and human-centric service.

Through this collaboration, a portion of every transaction facilitated by Girault Properties is directed towards CARE’s initiatives. This not only helps in providing immediate relief and long-term support to those in need but also strengthens the fabric of global communities which we are a part of.

The importance of this collaboration cannot be overstated. It exemplifies our commitment to doing business with a conscience. In an era where consumers and businesses are increasingly aware of the social and environmental impacts of their decisions, Girault Properties stands out by ensuring that every transaction supports not just our clients but also the broader world.

We believe that real estate, at its core, is about building and nurturing communities, and what better way to do this than by supporting an organisation that enhances the quality of life for people around the world?

Moreover, our approach goes beyond financial contributions. By aligning with CARE, we engage in advocacy and awareness, helping to bring attention to critical issues such as gender equality, education, and health. This partnership provides a platform for both Girault Properties and our clients to be part of a larger, global effort to foster sustainable development and humanitarian relief.

In conclusion, the collaboration between Girault Properties and CARE is a reflection of our ethos of service and community support. It demonstrates our belief in the power of ethical business practices to make a real difference. By choosing Girault Properties, our clients are not just securing a home or an investment but are also contributing to a noble cause, helping us to build a legacy of compassion and integrity that extends far beyond property lines.

Our values



We are committed to providing exceptional quality service to our customers. From the first meeting to the completion of the transaction, excellence guides each of our actions. We strive for exceptional in every detail, from the selection of exclusive properties to the personalization of every interaction with our guests.



Integrity is at the heart of our professional ethics. We believe in transparency, honesty and loyalty in all our relationships. Our clients can have confidence in our commitment to act ethically and professionally, ensuring collaboration based on mutual trust.


Commitment to the Customer

The satisfaction of our customers is our top priority. We are committed to understanding their needs, aspirations and preferences, in order to exceed their expectations at every stage of their real estate journey. Our dedicated team is here to support and advise you, ensuring an exceptional customer experience.

Nos Engagements



Every client is unique, and that’s why we personalize every aspect of our service to meet their specific needs. Whether you are looking for a particular property or have specific requirements, our team is here to offer you a tailor-made service.


Complete support

We do not consider our mission complete after signing the contract. Our commitment to our clients extends well beyond, with complete support throughout their real estate journey. From the search for the ideal property to the finalization of the transaction, we are present at every stage.



We understand the importance of time in the luxury real estate industry. Our commitment to responsiveness ensures that our customers’ requests and concerns are addressed efficiently and quickly, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.

By choosing our prestigious real estate agency, you are opting for much more than a real estate transaction. You are entering a partnership based on strong values, exceptional service and unparalleled customer satisfaction. Discover a real estate experience that transcends expectations and redefines luxury in all its aspects.

Contact Girault Properties


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